Featured Projects
Mobile Makers
Founded by Maya Bird-Murphy in 2017, Mobile Makers provides design-thinking and problem-solving workshops for youth living in disinvested communities. Their mission is to engage and empower youth through the power of creation and skill-building, to train and support future public interest architects, designers, and makers, and to advocate for equity and diversity in the design fields. Learn more.

Chicago Mobile Makers

The Chicago Mobile Makerspace

Tom Harris
The Chicago Mobile Makerspace is a retired United States Postal Service delivery van that has been converted into a classroom, tool shop, design studio, gallery, and community gathering space. The design of the Mobile Makerspace allows students to spill outside and activate underutilized space.

Alternative Practice
The world is in desperate need of radical design solutions but traditional methods continue to step in the way of real change. Designer’s roles, methods, approaches, and responsibilities have been entrenched for decades. Alternative Practice will chronicle individuals, agencies, labs, collectives, and research teams in design working outside of traditional modes.

Metropolis Magazine

Metropolis Magazine
Obsidian Collection
Coach House

Maya Bird-Murphy
The Obsidian Coach House will be a modern hub for coffee, co-working, content creation, and archives of Black images, artifacts, and stories.

Maya Bird-Murphy